
Our Services

Project Development and Management

Providing comprehensive services for project planning and execution, including proposal design, budgeting, and partner coordination, tailored for various funding opportunities and organizational goals.

Digital and Technological Solutions

Offering cutting-edge digital and technological services, including custom website development, software and hardware solutions, and innovative content creation to enhance online presence and operational efficiency.

Organizational and Team Development

Focusing on enhancing organizational effectiveness and team dynamics through capacity building, team-building activities, and Gestalt psychotherapy, aimed at fostering a collaborative and productive work environment.

Training and Education Services

Delivering specialized training and educational programs designed to upskill teams and individuals across various sectors, including HEIs and VET providers, aligning with contemporary educational needs and standards.

Marketing and Branding

Crafting comprehensive marketing and branding strategies, from concept to execution, including graphic design and brand identity development, to elevate organizational presence and audience engagement.

Strategic Consulting

Providing strategic consulting services, including identifying fundraising opportunities and developing robust business plans, to guide organizations towards sustainable growth and success.


Get Your Free Project Idea Now

Discover the power of bespoke ideas with Innovasi’s “Take a Free Project Idea” initiative. Tailored to your organization’s needs, we offer a unique project concept that could revolutionize your mission. Ideal for nonprofits, startups, social businesses, and more, this is your first step towards transformative success.

How It Works


    Download the Idea

    Kickstart your innovation journey by accessing our unique idea generation tool for initial inspiration.


    Initial Consultation

    Your journey continues as we delve into understanding your goals, challenges, and the specific context of your organization.


    Idea Generation

    Leveraging insights from our consultation, we develop a customized, innovative, and practical project idea that aligns with your mission and objectives.


    Presentation of the Idea

    We present this tailored idea to you, emphasizing its potential impact and how it can elevate your organization.


    Project Development

    Once the idea resonates with you, we proceed to detailed project planning and execution, turning the concept into a tangible and successful reality.

    Project Development and Management

    Providing comprehensive services for project planning and execution, including proposal design, budgeting, and partner coordination, tailored for various funding opportunities and organizational goals.


    Project Design for Various Calls

    Tailoring project proposals for EU and international calls, as well as for foundations.


    Budget Development

    Crafting detailed and realistic budgets for projects and initiatives.


    Partner Finding

    Identifying and connecting with suitable partners for collaborative projects.

    Digital and Technological Solutions

    Offering cutting-edge digital and technological services, including custom website development, software and hardware solutions, and innovative content creation to enhance online presence and operational efficiency.


    Website Development

    Creating professional and user-friendly websites, specialized for the type of organization, with innovative and specialized features.


    Digital Solutions

    Offering customized and innovative software and hardware solutions, that may lead to startups and social businesses.


    Content Creation

    Producing high-quality digital content for various platforms, attracting potential donors or collaborators with targeted storytelling.

    Organizational and Team Development

    Focusing on enhancing organizational effectiveness and team dynamics through capacity building, team-building activities, and Gestalt psychotherapy, aimed at fostering a collaborative and productive work environment.


    Capacity Building

    Enhancing the skills, abilities, and knowledge of teams and organizations in various fields.


    Team Building

    Facilitating activities and strategies to improve team collaboration and morale.


    Gestalt Psychotherapy for Organizations and Teams

    Providing therapy sessions to improve organizational health and team dynamics.

    Training and Education Services

    Delivering specialized training and educational programs designed to upskill teams and individuals across various sectors, including HEIs and VET providers, aligning with contemporary educational needs and standards.


    Training Programs

    Conducting specialized training sessions in various fields.


    Educational Programs

    Designing and implementing educational initiatives for different levels, including Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers.


    Innovation for Social Change

    Fostering innovative thinking and practices that drive social change. Equipping individuals and organizations with the tools and strategies to effectively address and solve social challenges, promote sustainable development, and make a lasting positive impact in their communities.

    Marketing and Branding

    Crafting comprehensive marketing and branding strategies, from concept to execution, including graphic design and brand identity development, to elevate organizational presence and audience engagement.


    Marketing and Communication

    Developing and executing marketing strategies and communication plans. Executing the dissemination of your projects.


    Graphic Design and Branding

    Creating visually appealing designs for marketing and branding purposes. Crafting and refining the brand identity for organizations.


    Campaigns and SEO/SEM

    Designing and implementing creative and impactful marketing campaigns that engage and convert your target audience. Enhancing your online presence with strategies designed to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results.

    Strategic Consulting

    Providing strategic consulting services, including identifying fundraising opportunities and developing robust business plans, to guide organizations towards sustainable growth and success.


    Fundraising Opportunities

    Identifying and advising on potential fundraising avenues.


    Business Plan Development

    Assisting in the creation of comprehensive business plans, for sustainable businesses, startups, and social enterprises. 


    Strategic Plan Development

    Developing long-term strategic plans that align with your organization’s vision, goals, and objectives. Crafting actionable strategies to achieve sustained growth and operational efficiency.


    Take a Free Project Idea

    At Innovasi, we believe in the power of groundbreaking ideas to shape the future. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our exclusive offering – “Take a Free Project Idea.”

    What We Offer

    “Take a Free Project Idea” is more than just a service; it’s a commitment to your success. We understand the diverse challenges and unique aspirations of organizations like yours – nonprofits, startups, social enterprises, SMEs, public institutions, and educational entities. That’s why we’re offering a unique and complimentary project idea, tailored precisely to your field and needs. This is your chance to experience Innovasi’s creativity and expertise firsthand, with no strings attached.


    Are you ready to unlock the potential of your organization with a free, tailor-made project idea? Innovasi is your partner in this journey of innovation and growth.

    Innovasi is more than a consulting company; we are your partners in change. With a focus on collaborative engagement and sustainable results, we are committed to helping you realize your vision and make a meaningful impact in your community. Join us on this journey of innovation and growth, where your aspirations meet our expertise.



    27 Mart 44

    6330 Struga, Macedonia